By Anonymous - 01/06/2009 10:46 - United States

Today, three women came into my work and one was wearing a shirt with a rainbow that said, "We are everywhere". I had just gotten what it was referring to and when I greeted them I ended up saying "Hi gays!" instead of the standard "Hi guys". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 995
You deserved it 51 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wear a shirt that says that, you can't be offended by "Hey, gays!". It's a little funny. A little. :)

I live in SoCal - we refer to everyone here as "you guys". Just like in the south more than one person is "y'all". Guys doesn't always mean "male".


that sucks They probably just ignored it, so it's not all that bad. Just please tell me you didn't spend the next five minutes trying to explain yourself. Also, has anyone noticed that all the embarrassing FMLs are the same. "Today, I mixed up my words and said something embarrassing. FML" =

You wear a shirt that says that, you can't be offended by "Hey, gays!". It's a little funny. A little. :)

elmarcelop 0

**** you #1...i made an account just to write this comment

They are not "guys" in the first place. If I were a girl, I wouldn't have liked being addressed as a "guy".

I live in SoCal - we refer to everyone here as "you guys". Just like in the south more than one person is "y'all". Guys doesn't always mean "male".

OneLittleAdditio 9

agreed 92 I don get all insulted at that. :]

haha thats funny :) and whats wrong with being called 'guys'? i always get called that, if in a group. its just friendly, not meant to be derogitory or anything.

#4 how is that a stupid shirt?! its gay pride, so whats wrong with people being proud of who they are and showing it?