By Christine - 09/05/2009 06:08 - United States

Today, I saw my little brother playing with my new kitten. He is only five and isn't very gentle so I took the cat away and told him "You can't play with the cat! I don't think he likes you very much!" In a joking tone. The cat then bit and clawed my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 993
You deserved it 51 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't deserve that. But maybe next time instead of telling him that he can't go near it because it doesn't like him, teach him how to handle it properly.


I agree with #5. I can't stand cats and think that they are absolutely disgusting. #19. Read the first part of the FML. "Today, I saw my little brother playing with my new kitten."

jen_kay 0

My cat is just like that when I take the cat away for my sister.

u should have beaten your brother with your cat. XD

lmmmr 0
FBIWarning 0

**** sharing, nothing wrong with being greedy.

#15 we don't "randomly" like dogs. We find them to be better pets for personal reasons. For instance, I like kittens, but I am allergic so.... And I'm sorry but why does every FML have the word "proceeded"? In my Lit class, our teacher tells us not to embellish verbs with other verbs (eg. "helps to create" or "proceeds to bite") Sorry for being a grammar nazi, but it's rather annoying.

The way I see it, the cat was probably starting to get pretty pissed off. If you've ever seen a five-year-old actually try to play with a cat of any age, you'll know they do not enjoy it. Chances are getting picked up by a virtual stranger was the last straw. OP probably saved her brother from a rather nasty scratch.

NoBounceNoPlay 0