By Anonymous - 23/12/2016 09:19

Today, I saw a bike locked to a short bollard, making it very easy to steal. Being as nice as I am, I stayed, hoping the owner would come soon and no one else would take it. Then the guy who bullied me in highschool showed up, asked me what I was doing, laughed at me, took the bike, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 239
You deserved it 1 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just trying to figure out if he stole it or if it was his bike.

#5 when you say it you're not even saying should of, you're saying should've, there is no reason to ever think it's should of.



Why would you tell an old bully what you were doing?!?! You should have responded: nunya ******' business. Well at least if they weren't the owner, you would know who did it...

Grow a spine stop doing nice things for people you don't even know.