By TheyObjectToTheUnholyUnion - 29/01/2016 12:51 - United States - Rochester

Today, I received yet another letter from a relative bitching me out for not involving my parents in my wedding. The parents who showed no interest in our relationship and then yelled at my fiancé and me when we announced it to them, calling us stupid, naive, heathens, and mentally ill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 051
You deserved it 1 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did your parents really expect to be invited after that? They might be your parents but doesn't mean you have to accept that behavior at your wedding.


Mathalamus 24

ignore their letters. these people are ignorant if they truly expect you to do things like that.

It's sad that was their first reaction but if they changed their minds overtime wanting to be involved.... well they are your parents. I can't say YDI though because I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your parents.

Which is exactly what I would reply to these relatives. I doubt they are getting the real story from your parents.

My parents are the same way. I feel your pain

My dad was pissed that my fiance didn't ask him first (I was already 30, living with him and pregnant not to mention my dad doesn't own me so **** that! ) then they got mad cuz it meant they would have to wait to get that third Harley (we had already figured on paying for it ourselves because the reasons listed above but they talked us out of it. They did buy the third and a FOURTH Harley before the wedding and complained about being broke) and showed zero interest in my wedding until 6 weeks before the wedding day. We ended up having to postpone the wedding for other reasons and with all the hassle they gave us I'm in absolutely NO hurry to start planning again.

Family has a way of making life more difficult and basically using the word "family" as excuse to cause you nothing g but pain and stress. Don't worry my sister in law wasn't invited to our wedding because she's treated me and my family like garbage since day one. She had no reason for it she's just a psycho bitch. It didn't go over well with his family but I didn't care. Weddings are about bringing people who love you together to support your marriage. If they don't, you don't include them family or not.

props to you for standing your ground! that must have been a tough thing for you; not inviting her. I bet you had an amazing day :)

It was a good day his family were grumpy about it but hey I paid and they didn't even offer to help out so as far as I'm concerned screw them right. I sure didn't luck out in the in law department but I did luck out with a good husband who will put his relatives in their place when they start their bullshit.

From the wording of this it sounds like it's a homosexual marriage and that your parents are religious? If that is indeed the case, here's a fun fact for them: homosexual marriage existed and was accepted in ancient Greece and even earlier, long before it was ever written that marriage was between man and woman (which was probably written by a homophobic government/church official and not told by God) and at the time Catholicism/Christianity were getting their start, THEIR adherents were the heathens in the eyes of the majority.

aeryn97 17

elope. saves headaches lol wish I would have

No why should they elope. It's their special day that they paid for if certain asshole family members aren't going to be respectful and nice on their special day screw them. Being family doesn't mean you get a free ******* pass to be an asshole when ever you want, and they do that a lot, thinking they'll be infinitely forgiven. They should not elope and do it alone, they should have their wedding and just exclude the relatives that are disrespectful **** heads.