By TheyObjectToTheUnholyUnion - 29/01/2016 12:51 - United States - Rochester

Today, I received yet another letter from a relative bitching me out for not involving my parents in my wedding. The parents who showed no interest in our relationship and then yelled at my fiancé and me when we announced it to them, calling us stupid, naive, heathens, and mentally ill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 051
You deserved it 1 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did your parents really expect to be invited after that? They might be your parents but doesn't mean you have to accept that behavior at your wedding.


mrRastafarian 5

In that case I'd un-invite your entire family if they're going to act like that.

God forbid you announce your first child to them if they insulted the engagement.

Forget them just invite the ones who care or go to a jp

I had the same experience. 10+ years on they wonder why even though I'm pleasant to them, I only share the basics that they can't criticise me any more. I stayed me. I never shouted back, I was never rude and I put up with their nasty comments while they bitched about me to everyone. Convinced my marriage would not last to someone so boring they did not come to my wedding. Only one family member did. I'm still happily married. We are all different, stay you and good luck.

FYL! That sounds exactly like my soon to be in laws when we announced our engagement! Hopefully things get better, weddings are stressful enough!

You deserve to be happy on your wedding day. If your relatives won't understand that then they don't deserve to see you so happy.

Just respect the fact that they raised you, majority parents are not good but they are "OUR" parents afterall.

I understand completely my parents are also assholes bc of guy I'm dating. it sucks but as long as your happy don't let them or your family get in the way.