By Anonymous - 15/08/2017 21:30 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I received a text from my girlfriend's female best friend that they have been dating for the last month. This was the week of our one year anniversary, and my birthday. We just moved into a duplex with my name on the lease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 169
You deserved it 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Better find out if it's true before you do anything irrational. Her girlfriend might not like you very much and wanted to break you guys up.

If its just your name on the lease, guess who's cheating ass would be gone. Hope that is the case op. sorry man


If its just your name on the lease, guess who's cheating ass would be gone. Hope that is the case op. sorry man

XxXBadAshXxX 27

Maybe it's a joke? hopefully she wouldn't do you that dirty.

really_dad? 14

Kick her out. But before you do that, make a nice dinner and then get on one knee. Have her open the box and put a note inside saying "You **** I hope you get Aids from your little buddy. Your things are scattered in the dump. Have a nice day." and when she's gone send a message saying "p.s, I changed the locks."

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Just ask if you can watch them making out. Or even join them.

Lobby_Bee 17

Better find out if it's true before you do anything irrational. Her girlfriend might not like you very much and wanted to break you guys up.

Mungolikecandy 19

Firstly, as others have said, check the situation, as someone saying something does not automatically mean it is true.

rety1 13

If it's your name on the lease, what's the problem? throw your (ex?) GF a bag party. buy a roll of garbage bags, bag up all her crap, change the locks and text her saying that she's homeless now.

alucard724 9

tell her it's all good the more the merrier

I assume the issue with the lease is that, if she is cheating, she will leave and you'll be responsible for paying the rent by yourself. Hopefully, the apartment's not a one bedroom and you can get a kickass roommate.

So? Kick her ass out and find a roommate!