By mooseknuckle - 31/05/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I realized that the closest thing I have to a savings account is the cup on my dresser with coins in it. I counted it, $17.34. That is my savings. I'm 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 809
You deserved it 50 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nammz 0

you're pathetic get a job ydi

LTMcleod 0

to bad you don't buy your own food, electricity, gas, insurance, maybe heat, water bill, furniture. :p


#10... are you stupid? or just incredibly poor?

well whos fault is that? ours? no. so what does this tell you? ur a pathetic idiotic looser, so go get a job u retard.

Pathetic... And why did you put that on here? Attention? Self pity? Cause it's not so much of an event that screams 'fml', just kind of a lame observation


Its time you start collecting food stamps and put your McDonald's check in your piggy bank, because chances are if a rainy day is coming, you are sure to drown in an inch of water. FYL for having a coin jar at 28. Most importantly, stop smoking dope! And that is a valid assumption that you smoke dope cause I've seen crackheads that have more money on them... maybe you should be the one sucking some **** =P

You should've listened when they told you to get good grades in high school. Government grants (state and federal) are paying for my education and my rent, and my weekend job takes care of the rest, and I can save a bunch. Oh, and #71, soon you will be living off government funds too... in the prison system.

Get a job! Even I have more money and I'm a little over half your agee.

writerajere 0

I like the way you say "relieved" like this is something that's slipped your attention for the last 10 years.

I hate when that happens. And to all the people giving you crap prolly don't have bills.