By horny bastard - 16/01/2009 08:34 - United States

Today, I realized that instead of actually trying to get a job, save money, lose weight, and get thin so I could maybe attempt to date again; I'd rather spend my money on a Fleshlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 777
You deserved it 41 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See, this is why you will die alone. Not because you're overweight, or because you don't have a job- though, those things certainly don't help. But because you have no ambition, no aspirations, no hopes, no desires, no drive. As a woman, I can definitively say that there is nothing less attractive than self-imposed hopelessness. That sort of depression is absolutely contagious. I'm sure you have positive traits, but this post has officially labeled you as the worst sort of loser: a boring loser with no desire to change that.


SnifflyG 9

ok #9 and whoever thinks shes right. u r all losers with nothing better to do than be a troll. its not ur kind of guy because NO ONE ur kind of guy. ur a bitch and no one will ever like you. go make me a samich

emodude44 0

Thats called giving up. Good job! You just gave up! Guess where your going? NOWHERE!

well shows what you really care about in life

Cwhite118 6

This made me day! Lol I know the feel buddy

I don't want no scrub, a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me.

If that's what floats your boat, then own it bruh