By Anonymous - 03/09/2013 05:06 - United States - Caldwell

Today, I realized how nice it was that, after moving into my ground-floor apartment, I no longer have to worry about being too loud walking on the floor at night. Today, I found out that my upstairs neighbors do not have any qualms about shouting or stomping their feet loudly at night, either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 213
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, if you throw a party they can't complain about the noise!

RedPillSucks 31

Perhaps a nice civil discussion with them will solve this issue


That's too bad...hope they move out soon...

Get some foam earplugs. I use them whenever I sleep around people who snore.

Bugger, I know the type. Complaints just run off them like water off a duck's back. Suggest you start hunting for a new place, in a single-storey building...!

Just talk to them about it. They may not even realize how loud they are.

Since you're clearly not new to apartment living, you ought to have realized by now that ambient noise is part of the package. If your building has some sort of noise policy or quiet hours, complain to your landlord. Otherwise, invest in earplugs and a white noise machine and suck it up.

We live on the ground floor of our apartment, but luckily it's so well soundproofed we never hear anything from our upstairs neighbors. And hopefully they don't hear us...

I have the same problem. First day of college a girl decided to jump out of the 2nd floor window onto mattress. She broke her foot and now jumps around every where

I have that where I live They stomp so loud at night. I talked to them about it, and now they're louder.

If you dont want to hear your neighbors don't live in apartment. People walk and some people will walk more loudly than others. I have lived down stairs most of my life and that is a reality. I thinks it's crappy when you are not being obnoxious like cranking up music past 10 or letting your kids jump and run after 10 and your neighbors complain... Upstairs neighbor pay rent too what do you expect them to float?

Yes, because OP is clearly living in an apartment by choice and can buy a house whenever she wants. Real talk, that first sentence is in the top 10 dumbest things I've read on this site.