By Username - 03/08/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, I quit smoking. It seems that when you don't smoke for almost 24 hours, your sense of smell comes back. I then noticed how disgusting my apartment smells. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 810
You deserved it 51 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heather_x0x0 6

Ha! That smell is never gonna go away YDI for smokin

It's true. When I stopped smoking I started realizing how strong the smell is on my friends and the clothes in my closet. I began to feel bad for people that I sat next to or worked with because I'm positive they could smell me.


timi942006 5

congrats on quitting, it will be good for you

Please dear God tell me your name isn't Taylor. I know soooo many of them....I don't need to have creeped on another.

Must be the smell of all the cigarettes you've smoked in there.

Ferocious 3

Ah the cloying smell of lung-killing smoke. Home sweet home.

welcome to the non-smokers world... I notice this every time I walk into a smokers place. I always make people smoke on my balcony when they come over.

lilnicki3 6

Tell me about it, I'm going to Colombia and my uncle lives there. He smokes weed. Fawwwkkkk XD

theonlysweetpea 10

i dont understand the appeal of smoking. smokers cough, yellow teeth, wrinkly skin and smelling bad ? sign me up ! but anyway, better get to cleaning, op /: