By what did I do? - 15/10/2015 19:30 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She slapped me in the face, stormed out and won't answer my calls. What the hell? FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 327
You deserved it 2 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We definitely need to hear more of this... How long have you been going out for?

Oh no. Sounds like you two definitely weren't on the same page in one way or another... how long had you been in a relationship?


redframed 12

my guess: she expected to be asked differently.

Did you propose in a public place? Did you not discuss the possibility of marriage with her prior? I'm not defending her actions but it might be beneficial to be retrospective.

Please follow up! I don't understand why she would react like this unless there was something happening behind the scenes

redhead_sprhro 10

Gotta wait more than a week bud

Well that escalated quickly. Either you both haven't been dating long, she panicked, or she thought you were playing cruel joke on her

i hope you aren't that creep in the other fml who proposed after a week :P FYL

Have you guys ever even discussed marriage in the past?

bnbhimp 10

Well obviously you did it wrong!!!

women am I right lol all kidding aside sorry OP