By Bechara - 13/06/2011 09:11 - Pakistan

Today, I overheard my girlfriend telling her friend, "Actually, it's a good thing she died, she was quite a bitch." She was talking about my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 550
You deserved it 4 513

Same thing different taste


beat the shit out of her for saying that and sorry for ur

tiffybiffy 0
jacquay09 3

she's done bro, get a girl that's not a soulless bitch?

I would had walked up and say "F you! it's over!"

What a bitch. I hope you didn't keep her around.

all these clown saying to dump her. Well, DONT DO IT. I'll tell you why. First, act like anything never happened. find the worse way to embarrass her in public and obviously do it. afterward, tell her the reason for doing it and then dump her ass. that's what you need to do. and sorry for your loss.

supersexy69 0

****** up if my girl friend said that shed get a real nice slap in the face followed by a beautiful loogie

that bitch is a hore I'm so sorry for your loss

is that not the death penelty for her in your country?

that mean little ass  sorry for your loss dude.