By chickennoodlesoup - 21/05/2009 01:50 - Canada

Today, I made chicken noodle soup for the girl I've been seeing to help her get over her cold. From scratch. Everything fresh save for the canned chicken stock. It took an hour in preparation and half an hour to take the bus to her place. Her first words? The celery's not cooked enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 149
You deserved it 6 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww.. you're so sweet :). That girl doesn't deserve sound like you have awesome boyfriend potential and I hope you find someone who really appreciates what you do for them.

Oh, she's probably just sick and cranky.


Oh, she's probably just sick and cranky.

peace7love2FML 0

I agree!! When I'm sick, I get pretty cranky and try to keep conversations short.

No it was the canned chicken stock, what's wrong with real people?

VolleyballSMASH 1

Exactly, if I was sick, undercooked vegetables wouldn't make me feel better. I can barely tolerate badly cooked food healthy. I am sure she appreciated it, but faults stand out more promonent.

I would have took the celery out the bowl threw it at her and say I don't give a f*ck then drop the bowl and leave

Awww.. you're so sweet :). That girl doesn't deserve sound like you have awesome boyfriend potential and I hope you find someone who really appreciates what you do for them.

NikkiRainbow63 31

I would love a boyfriend like this. Why are people taking her side? I get that she was sick, but a lot of guys wouldn't take the time out to do something as sweet as that. She should have been extremely greatful to him for being so amazing and sweet.

she is sick, give her a break... but seriously, who wants crunchy celery in their soup?

Crunchy celery in soup is nasty. Bad first words for her to say, but man, if you tried so hard, how could you mess up something so basic like making sure the celery is soft? Let's look at this from two perspectives. 1) If you hadn't undercooked the celery, she probably would have said something nice first. YDI. 2) You choose your girlfriend. You know the kind of person she is, and choose to stay with her. YDI. So, either way. YDI!

I don't think they completely deserve it. For all we know, OP would have rushed out the door seeing as they lived a slightly long bus ride away, maybe they didn't have enough time to check the celery.

hahayou12345 0

Aww. Hope she appreciates it though. I think she does. It's just that it's probably the first thing that came to her mind when she tasted the soup.

@ 6 Give the guy a break, the point is that he did something thoughtful for his girlfriend, and crunchy celery is not the end of the world. She should have thanked her lucky stars that her boyfriend wasn't going over there to ask for a ******** or something, even though she was sick. Let's look at this from two perspectives. 1) If he hadn't undercooked the celery, she probably would have found fault with something else. FHL 2) He chose his girlfriend, but it's not like he knew every single aspect of her personality. How could he have known that ungrateful is another one of her traits, until she showed him? FHL So, either way. FHL!

Islandprincess 0

what an unappreciative bitch.

Destroying soup with undercooked celery is blasphemy! You deserve it! ... ... ...But in all seriousness, don't worry too much. She's sick and cranky. She probably does appreciate your efforts.