By WheatiesMan - 15/06/2016 10:52

Today, I'm on a class trip to Washington DC. Last night, my roommate took a shower, and I decided that I would take one in the morning. This morning, I found out after I got out of the shower that my roommate used one towel for drying himself, and the other for a mat. He didn't hang either of them up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 995
You deserved it 1 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can go to the front desk and ask for more towels

nonsensical 26

Well that's inconsiderate! I hope you didn't have to wait long for someone in the hotel to deliver you more towels...


You can go to the front desk and ask for more towels

LostInLife94 29

by the time he noticed he was already showered

Exactly, #15. Why does this comment even has the most likes

cootiequeen4444 11

people must like the idea of exhibitionists or something

Or OP could have used the extra blanket. Almost every hotel I've been to has had an extra blanket on a shelf in the closet. I would have just used that. You gotta do what you gotta do.

nonsensical 26

Well that's inconsiderate! I hope you didn't have to wait long for someone in the hotel to deliver you more towels...

AirBusDriver 23

It's inconvenient but not really a your life is ****** moment. My wife on the other hand has been doing the exact same thing for over 10 years...

Should have just used his bed linen...

flyingflies 36

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PeterB444 17

How did this get downvoted lol.

Time to have a talk with your hotel roommate about common ettiquette..

So, should she go to the desk naked to request them? Or would it be better to have them delivered to the room and answer the door naked?

In this time of amazing technology, he could possibly use one of them there tellyphones to call the front desk and request more towels.

This is the stupidest FML I have ever read. How did this make the cut?