By Anonymous - 01/09/2009 07:30 - United States

Today, I'm being evicted from my apartment for not paying rent. My father is the on-site landlord, meaning I now have to move my stuff downstairs into his place, and hear every day how I'm a failure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 125
You deserved it 45 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well you should pay your rent. There you go. :-)

tehukiso 0

To be fair, if you get evicted for not paying your rent, you ARE a failure.


Uh, his father can't even let him live there rent-free. He's the "on-site landlord", or Super. Which is just the maintenance guy who runs the building.

fyourlife88 0

You should be embarassed. Go find some rich bitch thats ****** up in the head and get her preggers so you can jump in on that shit. Problem solved.

Give your dad a coconut cream cupcake. That should calm his primal nerves. I'm a dockter, trust me

YtotallyDI. And this is coming from someone whose dad is HER landlord. The rent is the first thing that gets paid each month. If there's no roof over your head, why bother with anything else? Moron.

uhhhmayyyziiing 0

You're a dbag for not doing some thing about having an expensive rent. Get off your lazy butt and look for a better paying job. It's honestly not that hard despite the way the economy is.

maybe you should have, oh I don't know, paid your rent...

visage 0

Learn to pay your bills idiot. I hope he makes your life hell. Did you think you deserved special treatment?

he said his father is the ON SITE landlord. seems like he's not the owner...

Walt_1990 3

Wouldn't it feel nice that you pay for your own crap? Guess not anymore.