By Satan - 15/03/2010 23:22 - United States

Today, I lost my phone. I tried to call it using my husband's phone, but couldn't figure out which of the three Kates in the contact list was me. Turns out, two are co-workers and one is his aunt. I was listed under Satan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 407
You deserved it 9 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, why did you have to go through the contact list? Don't you know your own cell number by heart?


i agree with =^ you must now look at your life and sob. or atleast make changes. start with attitude.

Reaperonin 1

I think..... your probably an aweful nag and he secretly resents you to the core.. ydi for being an aweful wife. A Gold star

ulovemelongtime 0

ahhahahahahahahahah Lmfao omg that is too funny!!!

you should date my boyfriend, you guys might have tons in common.

you don't know you're own phone number?

cautionxflirt08 0

that's so funnny. #29 winnnns...i'm stillllll laughing about that