By shitlicker - 08/12/2015 04:38 - United States - La Verne

Today, I lost my balance trying to get my bag out of my car. In doing so, my lips came in contact with some bird poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 177
You deserved it 2 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean I guess you could say you got shitfaced...

hoosiergirl94 31

Makes me think of step brothers when the kids made him lick the dog poop


You did at least not get all of it inside your mouth, I've read other FMLs where that happened

Could be worse, could have been Dog poop or even Human poop.

My lips came in contact with some shit once as well, my ex.

Life will present bigger challenges than getting a bag out of your car without ending up with bird poo on your face.