By Anonymous - 17/04/2013 15:14 - United States

Today, I left my son with my husband while I went to the store. Ten minutes later, my dog was missing a large patch of fur, and neither of them can stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 836
You deserved it 7 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

1. Wait til they fall asleep and shave a patch of hair off of them. 2 Proceed to uncontrolled laughter.


homiwan 13

cutting hair doesn't come will grow back and sooner or later you laugh about it!

BellaBelle_fml 23

I really hope for the dog's sake that their fur was cut off instead of being ripped out!

I don't know who I feel sorry for the most....the dog losing his fur or you living with those two. Be strong!!

Actually, if it's a show dog it's quite a big matter, especially if it's a longhaired dog. It takes quite a long time for fur to grow back. But what I really don't like about you, is your way you state that it's "just a dog". What do you mean by that?

crazytwinsmom 25

They bonded that's adorable. Your husband sounds like a great guy

I get that the dog probably isn't harmed and so realistically it's not really that bad but I wouldn't go so far as to describe the situation as 'adorable' or something that makes a guy 'great'.

Doggone it! You de-furred responsibility to hubby and he scratched. Are they still in the dog house with you?

Boys aren't naturally dumbasses. It's people using the "boys will be boys" excuse instead of correcting the behavior that create dumbasses.

They didn't say JUST a dog. They said a dog. Just like if your child cuts their hair (which almost all children have this phase) it's just hair. It will grow back.

I once gave my dog a haircut- it didn't fully grow back for about 3 years. Worst part was I just cut a large patch of fur right on her back hah