Toxic workplaces

By Anonymous - 09/09/2021 14:00 - Pakistan - Islamabad

Today, I'm working in a book company where the boss is stingy, and has promoted an incompetent and rude manager. This trickled down to the whole department where I work being ran as a ego-stroking place. The colleagues are the worst type of people imaginable with jealousy and inferiority complexes at their core. FML
I agree, your life sucks 790
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FuuMyLifuu 2

go tf away from there ur mental health is more important bro


FuuMyLifuu 2

go tf away from there ur mental health is more important bro

If you can afford to quit, RUN. The kind of situation you’re in can wear you down to a frazzle.