By RiceCrispyTreats - 01/09/2015 16:46 - United States - Pelham

Today, I left my phone outside on the grass while I went inside to get a drink. I didn't expect my dad to run over it with the lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 863
You deserved it 28 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he start up the lawn mower as you went inside or was he already mowing the lawn

You couldn't hear him starting the mower/using the mower? I mean, it's not like the things have stealth-mode or something, they're pretty loud.


Why weren't you helping him with the lawn? If you had, you would've known that you shouldn't leave your phone in the grass!

Why would you leave it on the grass? ydi

It's hard to imagine in the time it took you to go in and get a drink that he got out the lawn mower started it up and got to your phone unless the lawn mower was already out. ydi

as soon as i saw on the grass i knew this was trouble... now for the future get a nokia...if this happens again there will be no issue the lawn mower will probably break

I don't see how this is OP's fault if she didn't know he was mowing

It is OP's fault because only an idiot leaves their phones outside unattended. It could have been stolen, stepped on, or rained on. It only takes a second to put it in your pocket where it will be safe

I'll assume you weren't aware he was going to mow the lawn, but why would you leave your phone on the grass of all places? That's asking for something bad to happen. Why not just take inside with you?

Couldn't just put it in your pocket or something?

Unless you left it on a sheet or with other stuff, this is entirely your fault! He didn't just start mowing whilst you went inside.

A computer, or laptop. FML is a website, not just an APP

leogachi 15

@34 My guess is that Op posted this using the website, not the app. But he/she could have used the app on a tablet.

YDI OP. It takes only a second to put it in your pocket. If you didn't have pockets, you should have had it in your hand.