By thxmom - 04/01/2015 17:25 - United States - West Jordan

Today, I learned that my mother has been telling people that I need anger management. I'm not attending anger management, I'm attending therapy to aid in my recovery from abusive relationships. She doesn't understand the difference or why I find it upsetting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 756
You deserved it 2 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry, OP, that's really hurtful. Sit her down and talk to her about her ignorance.

the abusive ones. reading is hard buddy. i get that


Holy Crap! OK we get it. You don't need to fly off the handle like that!

If your mom cannot respect your boundaries, then if you are of age, you might not want to talk to her for awhile. It would be good for your health. Talk to your therapist. It sounds like she is the root cause for you being there.

Actually... There are plenty underage kids out there who deal with parents who don't know boundaries. Just because a parent doesn't know boundaries doesn't mean their kid is automatically overage

dragoongirl90 34

Oh God OP that's terrible. All of my past relationships turned abusive at some point and it's really hard to get over. My own mother keeps trying to hypnotize me -_- I feel your pain.

BuckNekkid 22

Hope your therapy is going alright, OP. Perhaps the next topic of discussion might be your mother after all :(

bigdaddyeric 35

Wow, that got you pretty angry, you should learn to manage that !

Maybe you live in denail and are actually the abusive part in that relationship and you abused your partner.

sounds like you may enter abusive relationships because of an abusive parent? Break that pattern !! good luck to you..