By aloha - 12/03/2010 21:17 - France

Today, I landed in Hawaii for my vacation. I have a really bad ear infection, and to top my day off, my girlfriend blurted out mid-flight that she thinks we're not going to work out. Aloha! FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 217
You deserved it 2 185

Same thing different taste

Cease to resist, giving my goodbye

By The song is "Wave of Mutilation" by Pixies. Love the song, hate myself. - 29/08/2024 06:00

Today, it was my last vacation day in Hawaii. It was lovely, I was happy. Then I heard a certain song about suicide at the airport, which triggered a severe depressive episode. Then the airline misplaced the bag with my pills. Now I'm struggling with suicidal thoughts while trying not to break down and cry in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 401
You deserved it 210

Top comments

TahoeFMler 22

What a bitch and what poor timing.

Awww. Ouch :/. But at least you're in Hawaii? Maybe. Kinda.. Nope that sucks.


davek 36

If the ear infection gets any better then you need to get right out there and bone half the girls in Hawaii.

Dump her man. Just be like, Yo, see ya later.

assuming you are going to be sharing a room and a bed and spending the majority of your holiday together, why would she start the holiday by saying that? why?

haha my friend is coming to Canada from hawii because she hates it there for spring break

I doubt your girlfriend would be there to say that if you hadn't brought her along for the ride.

TallMist 32

Are you implying that it's wrong for someone to bring their significant other with them on vacation and that this is the OP's fault?

greendaygirl597 0

Ear infections hurt like a bitch. Sorry OP. That sucks.

FYL but the way you ended this FML was hilarious! Hahahaha

What you mean #1...perfect timing...Hawaii. Enjoy your trip buddy.

But now you're FREE!!! :0 No no, break ups suck, and that was horrible timing. FYL

Hope the trip gets better...maybe with the trip your girlfriend will change her mind...