By AplJax3 - 06/02/2013 21:05 - United States

Today, I hurt my back while exercising. I can't bend over or lift my arms above my head without intense pain. My husband, however, finds my situation hilarious and has moved everything I use frequently to either the floor or high shelf. He giggles every time I try to retrieve anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 552
You deserved it 4 003

AplJax3 tells us more.

AplJax3 2

Hey guys, OP here! While my husband is an ass, the reaching up and bending over for things lasted until I dropped a full bottle of water on his foot (accidentally on purpose). After that, he stopped laughing and gave me back rub. Since I am currently denying him sympathy for the tiny bruise on his pinky toe, I'd say we're about even.


Satoaoi 13

omg yes number 2 perfect punishment

Hahahaha that's awesome. That'd be my kinda husband. Take a fun joke people(:

So you want kind of husband who thinks it's hilarious when you're in intense pain and who would put you in a risk of being paralyzed? Yeah, sounds like a "fun joke" to me.

The power of the box is a wonderful thing. Use it...

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Not that I'm ever unappreciative of my Husband, but things like this make me even more grateful to have him, he would NEVER do anything like this to me. Good for you for getting revenge though, he totally deserved it. Hope your back gets to feeling better soon!

skyeyez9 24

Women are experts at devising elaborate revenge scenarios.....start brainstorming.

Although he was obviously meaning it as a prank (sort of...), that was such a dick move. He should've been looking after you and helping you to reach stuff. Dick.