By Keastwood013 - 18/01/2013 15:25 - United States

Today, I held a door open for a sweet old lady with a walker. After she went through the door, she turned and said, "That's not how you're gonna get into my pants, son." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 777
You deserved it 4 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments



the_awesomest_ 6

Damn bro... I'm sure there are other grannies out there that want a man who's as good in bed as he is opening doors.

Get in there my son! You may not have got her this time, but there is always next time!

PhishloverA 14

You got trolled by an old lady. How do you feel about that?

saffy66 34

Better luck next time, Stifler.

A lot of us assume, myself included, that the elderly are innocent, sweet, never did wrong beings. In reality though, we share a very similar mentality. Their body is just betraying them. Ask a grandparent if they feel like a former 25 year self that's just trapped in a failing body.