By Anonymous - 02/01/2009 18:06 - France

Today, I have dark hairs growing on my chest, nipples and stomach... I'm a 19 year old girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 431
You deserved it 3 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... I'm pretty sure it's absolutely normal for you to grow hair on your body... Being mammals, I mean, we're all bound to get hair pretty much everywhere except our palms, soles and eyes. I can attest to that fact ;P Though... I am a dude. But yeah, a little bit of hair here and there won't freak me out, I actually expect to see tiny ones. Now if you grow a beard on your breasts, that's a different story, but lil fuzzy hairs are normal imo.

I have it too im 19 and still a virgin because im afraid of what a guy is gonna say if he sees me naked :-(


Could be an indication of higher than normal testosterone levels.

thecman25 14

as my friend would say "get that unholy thing out of here"

Probably a hormonal issue; you may have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, especially if you also have acne, weight issues and/or irregular or absent periods. I suggest you go to your doctor.

When I was younger than 18, ppl used to "eeeeeee" at my body hair. It got me so self conscious that I shaved them off, and I did it almost on a daily basis. I even went to wax them. When I'm older I get lazy and shave less since no one is gonna see them. But when my girlfriend saw some of the hairs growing out, she find it sexy and ask me to stop shaving them. I know I'm a guy and you're a girl so you might not relate too much with me. My point is social perspective changes with age. It is fine if you prefer hairless body. If it is too serious and it affects your confident then do sth about it. Many times we ridicule people just to fit in. Don't be a victim of it. Do a mindful self check, is it too serious? Or are you too affected by what people say?

Im the same way, and 19 as well. :c I hate it.

That's a sign of endocrine disease, pcos. Get an ultrasound

I have this issue also. I’m overly hairy for a woman but I think it runs in my family.