By rain1 - 06/01/2014 02:54 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I had to explain to my parents why it is inappropriate to take selfies at a funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 088
You deserved it 4 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are your parents Barrack and Michelle Obama?

I know, but that ruins my joke, so shut up :p


But... But... Obama does it! So why can't they??? Lolz

There is nothing wrong taking selfies at a funeral, just not during the service.

I scrolled through a page on Smosh about people taking selfies at funerals... It really makes me hate my generation even more...

It was before the service. It involved a mirror, duckfaces and the caption "At the funeral R.I.P Uncle Rick" Needless to say they received a talking to about what is appropriate to be posted on facebook.

SuperMew 22

I am not saying it was the classiest shit this side of Reno, but I am not sure its your place to tell them. My sister posts shit like that all the time. However, unless it involves me or something I planned/care about, I have been told it is not my place to say that goes on her profile. I wouldn't have wanted them to do that either, but since it does not involve the body, they didn't prop it up with a top hat or try and do a selfie with the priest... it doesn't sound like they did anything wrong really? They made kissy faces at a mirror and took a picture of them dressed in black (read your other comments.) That is really none of your business to correct.

Karcasm 7

I kind of find this hilarious and terrible at the same time.

Casablancas879 11

You are welcome? Your welcome was right.