By Anonymous - 01/06/2012 14:29 - Austria - Vienna

Today, I had so much to do, I didn't know where to start. So I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 038
You deserved it 46 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

duckie227 22

'I'm not lazy, I just don't do stuff'


Well that doesn't sound like much fun.

pippacrawford 4

Completely YDI but the wording of this FML is funny, so you made ME smile at least :)

ragnorak6801 0
lflickin 6

Haha sounds like my life at college - the then I went drinking

Sounds a lot like me, I take procrastination to a whole new level, almost a professional procrastinator... Now I just need to find someone that will pay me to do it.

Sounds like someone overdid the wake and bake this morning.

This doesn't have anything to do with being baked. Sometimes there's just too much to do and you have no idea how to even tackle it all. Which seems like... exactly... this situation... come to think of it. Hmm...

wubbazugg 5

You can always procrastinate later.