By hiccups - 03/11/2012 15:52 - United States - New York

Today, I had my first orgasm. I also came to the realization that whenever I orgasm I get an uncontrollable case of hiccups for at least half an hour afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 019
You deserved it 3 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well atleast everytime you get hiccups he knows you weren't faking it and that he did a good job. ;)

nightowl713 25

Well being as how it was your first and only time so far, I wouldn't jump that far ahead and say that it will be that way every time op! Hiccups happen because you have a lack of oxygen in your body, I guess you just got a little too excited, and you might have been breathing too heavy.


RedPillSucks 31

Hay could be worse their's a form of epilepsy that causes you to have a seizure when you have an ******

gregkingsley 4

Tell him to scare you right after. Yelling bananas , bananas, bananas

How can you know this will happen ever time if you've only had one ******? I've gotten hiccups after I've ****** before, does not mean I get it every time. Just because it happened once don't assume it will happen ever single time.

Or he is going to think he is a badass and that he is always giving Op orgasms.

Maybe you should try drink a glass of water right at the last second.

When you get the hiccups again, eat a spoonful of peanut butter to stop them. Works every time.

Is the OP a female? Must be. Was the OP with someone? Or self discovering? Was this the first ****** ever? Or the first of many ****** of today? ***Too many unknown questions. :P

kucukachuu 4

Some people think hiccups are cute... That is if it doesnt sound like youre being strangled and its not for a long time >.>

I agree. I think that would be really cute!