By crazyjohnny - 01/06/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I had a really big debate in my English Class about the legalization of weed. My group had to state reasons why weed shouldn't be legal and no one except me had prepared. My partner came to class totally stoned. Our group lost the debate. We got a F. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 359
You deserved it 7 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just point to your friend & say-this is why. Case closed.

Ravemaster7 0

Team grading is as stupid as grading a debate is as stupid as debating the legalization of marijuana in school. Everyone knows what the teacher wants to hear anyway. But it's funny that your partner was stoned and the team arguing for the legalization of it won.


Weed makes you mindless and dependent on a stupid plant that you pay thousands of dollars on a year. FYL, but learn better grammar. "A F..."

Weed SHOULD be legal for many reasons... Sucks you failed, but whatever...

MsSippi 0

# 68 and anyone else who has stated that people who smoke weed are retarded. - The biggest stoner I know was valedictorian of her class. Smoking weed has nothing to do with intellect. Many intelligent people smoke weed. Just thought you should know. To the OP - To be fair, I would probably have a difficult time arguing that weed should be illegal too. It sucks that your teacher failed you though.

spidergirl040812 0

id b sssssoooo pissed but I agree with # 3 cuz u should've pointed at him n said c these are the effects of stupidity n weed consumotion n I'm srry bout the F but u needto b able to think on your feet

shut up, that doesn't happen, everyone else may get an f but you wouldn't unless your version of "prepared" is total shit.

CyclonePsycho 1

I love how half the people here are nitpicking about 'a' and 'an.' Ask yourselves, does it really matter? English is an irritating language. No one can ever have it right 100% of the time.

indisentproposal 0

#22 "it dont work 'an F' does".... it DOESN'T work, hahaha and #79, although vowel placement is important, it's the vowel SOUND that is the deciding factor on "a" and "an". For example, "I go to A university" and "It is AN honor to meet you." So it would be AN "F" because it sounds like "eff." I don't know about the MSI card thing. It's possibly just one of those million rule breakers in the English language. This is why, #17, we're often taking English classes well into our college years. OP, I feel bad but you probably could have scored some points by calling out the intoxicated state of your partner and how poorly he or she was presenting as a result (I'm not saying your partner was retarded because of the weed, everybody reacts differently). I agree with people above that you have to think on your feet. Also, your classmates and possibly your teacher are idiotic for judging you based on the side of the debate you were assigned to. You have to do your best with what you get. Good luck in the future!

what # 3 said you shoulda pointed out what weed can do to you and how it should be illegal. dont do drugs kid. sorry bout the F

#89 Idk why you're laughing at 22 because "it dont work" is nowhere in 22's post. Other people - How could you use a stoned person as an example of why not to use marijuana? Being stoned isn't like being drunk, a stoned person isn't normally extra stupid and falling all over the place.