By JazzSpazz - 11/08/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I had a horrible breakup with my girlfriend of two years. Depressed, I changed my Facebook status to, "Hate me today, hate me tomorrow, hate me for all the things I didn't do for you." My ex commented, "Give me an orgasm?" Five of my friends, including my mom, liked this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 911
You deserved it 24 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for posting lyrics as your facebook status you ******* twat.


ilytoria 0

yes you can? theres a button saying "like" under every post.

ironically i heard "Hate Me" for the 1st time eva dis past monday and i love it. it reminds sum (as well as me) of when in New Moon Edward leaves Bella. how funny i wuld c it in a FML....lmao

kiit23 0

I feel that if you're going to broadcast your misery in an emo way on facebook, you really deserve what's coming to you.

I hope someone screencapped it. If its not on Lamebook within the week, I'll be very disappointed.

Seriously, why bring your drama out in public like that? You deserved it Emo boy.

Bud_fml 16

...You can't Like comments on Facebook, you can Like statuses though, which is what the OP meant. Duh

That's so awesome. Maybe you should keep your private life a little more private next time.

star_ver 0

So your mom and four friends "liked" your status? Maybe they enjoy the song. The way you put it made it seem as if they "liked" the comment your ex made, when they can't actually do that. This was an FML without the misleading bit on the end, but YDI for posting lyrics as your status.

Aww that's really horrible of your ex, friends & mom... I love that song though!