By Colton - 20/12/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, I grabbed some lotion to have a good old wank. However, I'd got it a bit wrong in my rush to spurt my man-mush into an old gym sock, and had picked up some concentrated bronzer. I now have neon-orange hands and genitals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 975
You deserved it 50 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abbytequiere 9

You deserve this just for calling it your man-mush. Really?


Jeffers123 5

Well if your mom asks about the paint, I'm guessing you will have a hard time making up an excuse for a neon-orange dong. But don't worry at-least it ain't the $90 lotion

jusslivinlifee 0

Man mush? Really? And in a gym sock?

OP's penis is going to be next week's special guest star on Jersey Shore.

Just be thankful you didn't grab a bottle of Nair. It'll wear off -- some day.

MsTunechiFBaby 4

Looks like you've been caught Orange handed.