Cowboy contractors

By Anonymous - 29/12/2021 05:01

Today, my recently built semi-detached house is so cheap and shoddily put together, I can both hear and feel the vibrations of my grossly obese neighbour farting in her sleep. No joke, every time she farts, I feel it vibrating my bed frame through the floorboards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 160
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you not examine the house before buying it?

randybryant799 20

Why would you buy such a crap house?


randybryant799 20

Why would you buy such a crap house?

Did you not examine the house before buying it?

Jon Tessler 14

a lot of realtors are telling home buyers to "skip" the home inspection because it "saves the buyer money".

Even if you get an inspector many will green light anything because it's better for their relationship with relaters.

Buy her a butt plug. You should sell your house now while it's an insane sellers' market. Advertise the farting neighbor, and you'll get $50,000 above asking!

Vesi 29

OK so.. we're shaming a neighbor who does what EVERYONE in the world does, pass gas? And how does her being obese have ANYTHING to do with the crap house you bought? Sounds like an excuse to fatshame someone who has perfectly normal bodily functions.