By Anonymous - 20/10/2010 03:05 - United States

Today, I got my lip pierced. By the orthodontist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 303
You deserved it 3 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Least it wasn't your gynecologist and your other set of lips. 0_0*

Well, it saves you the £10 or $10 or whatever people pay for piercings? :)


LOOOOOOL i love how that was written...

Well, i know how you feel, iv'e been there and done that, well...he done that, But i already had my lip pierced on both sides so now i have spider bites on one side =] All for FREE lol.

that's happened to me. they slipped taking off the wire and didn't even notice thr bloody whole in my mouth.

Omg I would have stabbed his face with my fist!!!

veto15 0

That happend to me now my orthodontish cant have kids