By fuckbucket14 - 14/04/2012 22:56 - Egypt - Hurghada

Today, I got into an argument with my dad in his hotel room. I lost my temper and stormed out onto the balcony for some fresh air, at which point he decided to lock the door behind me, trapping me there for half an hour while he watched TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 925
You deserved it 12 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickenwalrus 14

i love how your username is "fuckbucket"


ToddNorm 6

Next time go to the lobby and get another key.

30 minutes, that's it?? If it was a nice day, quit your bitching. In my opinion that's BETTER than being in a hotel room.

pinkWabbits 0

I know where my next vacation is going to be at. :)

pinkWabbits 0

I don't get why people voted ydi. You acted mature by walking away from the argument. -_- Probably going to see a bunch of "Kids these days" comments.

Oh you POOR thing! Being trapped outside in fresh air for 30min must have been torture! How did you ever survive?

Maybe you should stop being a shitty child. Jeesh

Maybe you should stop assuming about people you don't know! Jeesh...