By fuckbucket14 - 14/04/2012 22:56 - Egypt - Hurghada

Today, I got into an argument with my dad in his hotel room. I lost my temper and stormed out onto the balcony for some fresh air, at which point he decided to lock the door behind me, trapping me there for half an hour while he watched TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 925
You deserved it 12 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickenwalrus 14

i love how your username is "fuckbucket"


like a boss. now u n ur mom get to da kitchen

Dad just put you in a time out so you guys could both could calm down. Might have been the best thing to do so the argument did not escalate to physical.

fuckmebutdontfml 16

I think walking out the door would have been a better idea if he decided to lock you out you could have just had some fun around the hotel or scared him by not returning until the next day, he clearly lost the argument and was pissed thats why you got locked out.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Should've kicked the glass until it broke or he let you in.

break the window and make him pay for it

betteroffunsaid 0

Ooo a whole 30 minutes. You're probably so traumatized now.

You would be complaining too if your dad locked you outside. Dumbass...

That's when you jump just to spite him.

Thought u wanted some fresh air? Thirty min seems good for u to both take a breather n calm down.