By sucks4me - 18/06/2011 04:45 - United States

Today, I got in my sister's car outside the movie theater and started talking about the movie. When I realized she wasn't saying anything, I looked up to see my ex-boyfriend sitting in the drivers seat. I got in the wrong car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 285
You deserved it 16 132

Same thing different taste


ahhaha ur ex-boyfriend has a chick car ...

rroxie124 5

Well I bet that was a long awkward silence

idk why but I actually laughed aloud at 'fishbowlin' haha

MeRcixXxTRiPp 0

I feel almost as blonde as OP cuz I don't understand this FML

maybe they just broke up and she's used to getting into his car?

epicepidural 2

did you buckle your seatbelt?

What are the odds that the car you managed to go in was your ex boyfriends and that he has the exact same car as your sister.

anndiwhite 0

haha how ironic.. that must have been akward.

emilyissutee 0

yeah you probably are blonde but its okay i am too i even spelled my username wrong. its supposed to be emilyiscutee. i bet it was weird getting out though.