By LucidNightmare - 27/01/2013 05:38 - United States - Englewood

Today, I got a text from an unknown number saying, "You shouldn't be eating that." I was eating a piece of chocolate, cheating on my diet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 753
You deserved it 18 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your stalker is looking out for your health...

You could do so much better, don't cheat on your diet, it's not worth it.


Sounds like maybe someone close to you has text+ and is playing with you.

WinterBlue42 22

It must be. . Skynet! Seriously though, that is slightly creepy, especially if you were home alone. FYL!

Run. Run fast and run far and don't look back

ali_kkatt 15

"you shouldn't be eating that. -A"

Chocolate is good for the emotional health.

Heather Shannon 2

Do people only care about the chocolate here?! Who the F texted you?!