By InfestedCarOwner - 15/12/2015 02:16 - United States - San Francisco
InfestedCarOwner tells us more.
Hey Guys, OP here! I'm amazed this got posted, haha. As for my rat situation - Thank you for all the suggestions. I'll definitely try and trap them in the sticky traps. For anyone telling me to clean my car, I work in pizza delivery and my cars actually very clean. I have to clean it on a regular basis, But that doesn't mean it won't smell like food all the time. A little extra backstory, Our neighbors had a rat infestation, too. We're assuming that whichever rats survived decided to make our trash cans their home, and since my car is right next to the trash cans, They got in. Also, For the people saying to use cats - A family member suggested we use our kittens to get them out. Which I'm not going to do.
Top comments
Time to clean your car from the inside.
For some reason I read this in Adele's voice.
its probably not the inside that's the issue, rats get up under the hood and nest in things like the air filter. Try moth balls in the air filter. But talk to an older mechanic with some experience. For sure your car will smell a bit, but the rats will go away and not eat all your expensive wires.
You should clean your car
at least you got some companies while driving op
Wear a baseball cap and put one lucky rat inside of'll teach you how to be the best driver in America by tugging on your hair!
Or run for the Republican's in the next election! If Trump's toupee can do it, imagine what a RAT could do!
Peppermint oil will do the trick! Mice and rats hate it.
As I've said, I work for Pizza Delivery. I clean my car on a regular basis so my car can't be dirty. As someone else has pointed out, The car doesn't have to be dirty for it to be infested.
talk to a mechanic, mine told me to put mothballs in the air filter. Haven't had a problem since
Rats don't just appear out of nowhere, there has to be food leftovers or something. I think YDI
To answer your YDI to me, I work for pizza delivery and clean my car on a regular basis. I don't leave any food behind, either. Along with this I park nearby the trash cans where we thought we could hear squealing. Just wanted to clear that up for ya!
Make them get jobs to help pay for it. I heard Chuck E Cheese's is hiring.

Wear a baseball cap and put one lucky rat inside of'll teach you how to be the best driver in America by tugging on your hair!
Time to clean your car from the inside.