Time for an episode of Intervention

By Anonymous - 19/03/2024 13:00 - United Kingdom - Saint Ives

Today, my brother won't fucking stop playing Minecraft whilst on the phone, when we're chatting. All I hear is him playing Minecraft. Every time. He's in university, I'm not even there yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 331
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 8

so on the plus side, you're going to be the good child who actually pays attention in class and graduates when you get to uni, right?

if he’s in uni and taking his free time to chat with you on the phone it’s probably a good thing the only background noises you hear is Minecraft.


d j mom 8

so on the plus side, you're going to be the good child who actually pays attention in class and graduates when you get to uni, right?

if he’s in uni and taking his free time to chat with you on the phone it’s probably a good thing the only background noises you hear is Minecraft.