By Severus_Snape_ - 20/09/2015 07:11 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got a mosquito bite on my wrist. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I am pretty sure mosquito bites are not supposed to start crawling up to your armpit while swelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 096
You deserved it 1 669

Severus_Snape_ tells us more.

Severus_Snape_ 23

Wow, this is the first time one of my FMLs have been accepted! I googled whatever was happening on my arm, and I think 26 may or may not be right. According to the internet, if should go away in a few days, and it was a spider bite. But ever since I was a kid, I've always attracted some weird bug bites, but this has never happened to me before. Unfortunately, I am the type of person that will twist my wrist and still just say that I'm fine. Like that time where I threw up twice when I was 11 years old and still insisted that I was well enough to go to school, only to be sent back home when I threw up again. I applied some type of cream thing on the bite, and it has gotten better. It'll probably go away in a few days. Hopefully.

Top comments


Please go to the doctor! It sounds serious.

It's not a bug crawling under your skin, it's an infection that is travelling through your lymph system. If it gets to your armpit you could be in big trouble because then it can travel to other organs and potentially kill you. You need to get on meds NOW before it gets worse. Go to the ER or your doctor.

you have an extreme case of skitter syndrome. Go to the doctor now!!!

That sounds like a Tsetse fly, only you're posting from California. Seek medical attention.

Tsetse flies live in Africa, and spread the disease called African Trypanosomiasis, also called "Sleeping Sickness". The causative agent is a parasite called Trypanosoma brucei (not to be confused with Trypanosoma cruzii, which is endemic to South and Central America, cases Chaga's Disease, and is spread by an insects of the family Triatominae).

Cool, you google. And? I know what it is. I live in Africa.

If you know what it is, then you would know that Sleeping Sickness begins initially with a hematolymphatic phase in which there is fever, arthralgia, myalgia, and massive lymphadenopathy. There may be a cuteanous chancre at the site of the insect bite, but there is no migratory rash or cutaneous parasitic involvement. The symptoms described by the OP (and further clarified in additional posts # 78 -79) seem to be describing a migratory rash, possibly Erythema Migrans as might be seen in Lyme Disease.

Most likely a spider bite. I had one that went from my wrist up to my armpit. Go get that checked out!! That could be very fatal! For if it was a spider, it must have been slightly venomous or you have very sensitive skin (like myself) please go get that checked out OP!! :) best wishes!! Keep us updated!!!

I'm wondering if it's like a rash that's spreading or if one bump is actually moving like that creepy bug in the mummy that can get under a persons skin.

That's not a mosquito bite. Go to a doctor immediately

Nooo this reminds me of that scene in The Mummy with the scarab beetles that greatly traumatised me as a child and made me freak out for days on end. Sounds more like a spreading infection than a strange flesh eating bug but still, get help get heelllppp D: