By Severus_Snape_ - 20/09/2015 07:11 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got a mosquito bite on my wrist. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I am pretty sure mosquito bites are not supposed to start crawling up to your armpit while swelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 096
You deserved it 1 669

Severus_Snape_ tells us more.

Severus_Snape_ 23

Wow, this is the first time one of my FMLs have been accepted! I googled whatever was happening on my arm, and I think 26 may or may not be right. According to the internet, if should go away in a few days, and it was a spider bite. But ever since I was a kid, I've always attracted some weird bug bites, but this has never happened to me before. Unfortunately, I am the type of person that will twist my wrist and still just say that I'm fine. Like that time where I threw up twice when I was 11 years old and still insisted that I was well enough to go to school, only to be sent back home when I threw up again. I applied some type of cream thing on the bite, and it has gotten better. It'll probably go away in a few days. Hopefully.

Top comments


This sounds like an origin story for a new superhero

Emiweb 9

To me it sounds like it could be an infection like cellulitis. The spreading up your arm could be the poison or whatever it is making its way to your heart.

It reminds me of SpiderMan. Except that this time it's going to be MosquitoMan!! Cheers to the new Comics hero! ROFL

Severus_Snape_ 23

Wow, this is the first time one of my FMLs have been accepted! I googled whatever was happening on my arm, and I think 26 may or may not be right. According to the internet, if should go away in a few days, and it was a spider bite. But ever since I was a kid, I've always attracted some weird bug bites, but this has never happened to me before. Unfortunately, I am the type of person that will twist my wrist and still just say that I'm fine. Like that time where I threw up twice when I was 11 years old and still insisted that I was well enough to go to school, only to be sent back home when I threw up again. I applied some type of cream thing on the bite, and it has gotten better. It'll probably go away in a few days. Hopefully.

Severus_Snape_ 23

Just to clear things up, it is like a line going up my arm, not the entire thing.

I'd still go just in case. Possible poison. Just for your benefit please go

That sounds like blood poisoning, which will kill you if it reaches your heart.

Please see a doctor, because that sounds like an alien incubation.

Ya, I agree, I'd go get it checked out just in case.

What #81 says! You seem really young so tell your parents. Don't ignore it.

larkspur15 2

it sounds like a very quickly spreading infection and you need antibiotics

Bro go to the hospital or you may not wake up tomorrow.

In all seriousness you need to be careful of the inernets info especially concerning sickness/disease type things I would go get it checked out anyway

that's blood poisioning. my dad never goes to the hospital, for hardly anything, but this happened to him and he went right away. that's the one thing he's been to the hospital for in like 10 years. you need to get this checked out.

It sounds like cellulitis. It's an infection traveling up one of your major veins. Definitely see a doctor. I got stung by a wasp and it got infected in much the same way but mine was on my leg. It will not clear up on its own. You need antibiotics. If you don't have a doctor, go to an Urgent Care or Minute Clinic. They can get you the right meds. Don't wait!

That's blood poisoning. Please go to the hospital NOW.

Don't say "I'm fine" this time, because you could die

RowanNightShade 22

This was my thought, too. I recently (within the past few weeks) had cellulitis due to a tick bite. You can get it from anything (even a scratch), and it does look and act like a mosquito bite in that it swells and itches, but the swelling keeps growing larger and it keeps spreading.

kimeatszombies 22

When I get bit by Mosquitos, they swell insanely huge. I had one that was the size of a golf ball on my arm. And then one that completely covered the back of my knee. So, I kind of know how you feel when it comes to bug bites? lol.

mds9986 24

Seriously. Go to the emergency room. You have a serious health issue right now. If that line reaches your heart the bacteria will spread through your whole body and you will die. This isn't a joke and it's not worth your life to see if it gets better.

This happened to my older brother and it turned out the spider that bit him was poisonous and he had to be on an IV drip for a few days. Even if it could go away on its own, it honestly isn't worth the risk. Just go get it checked.

Please go to the hospital and keep us updated!

Dude, famous last words. Get it checked out. Better safe than sorry-or dead!!

Severus_Snape_ 23

Ok, so I put some more cream on it and popped the bubble thing on it three times, and now it has went down to my elbow. It is better than my armpit though, an it doesn't itch as much now!

The red line is lymphangitis, its caused by an infection. You need a see a doctor ASAP

Something similar happened to me and turned out it was a whitetail bite. Was stuck on steroids, painkillers and antibiotics for a week but it was better than dying. You should definitely get it checked out man

Emmaleigh6692 7

Hopefully you don't die since you're too stubborn to go to the doctor.

Willibobs 33

I haven't really read any of the comments besides people saying it could be blood poisoning, which it could be. It could also be a worm infection, my sister got it before from the beach I think it was hookworm and she saw and felt them travelling. Ewww, please get it checked out.

I am glad you saw my comment! Hopefully you are still doing fine.

I know what it is. It's a small bug from South America that lays it's eggs under your skin. The only way to kill it is, take a price of bacon the size of your thumbnail, tape it over the wound, then seal the bacon under the tape, hard. The grub will come up for the bacon, and suffocate under it, then you can pull it out. I have had them before, and I hope you get better soon!

A friend of mine had the same thing a couple months ago. He had a pimple on his wrist and tried to burst it. Two hours later it began swelling and there was this weird red ribbon going from to wrist to his armpit. After a long arguing I convinced him to go to the hospital. He agreed, and when he arrived they immediatly injected him with antibiotics. Turns out it was lymphangitis. You need medical attention asap!

Sounds like it could be bedbugs. Wash all your sheets in hot water and consult your doctor.

10 points from Slytherin for not knowing your insects and possibly becoming Spider-Man without telling me

Please. PLEASE go to the hospital. If it's a fine line going up your arm, you've got blood poisoning. It is lethal if it reaches your heart or any other vital body parts including the brain. Please, for your own sake, visit the hospital ASAP. I'm not kidding.