By troyrm85 - 16/02/2010 09:37 - France

Today, I got a call from the police saying they found my stolen car. Not only did I not know my car was stolen, but it was completely stripped. No tires or doors left, and the engine was taken apart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 717
You deserved it 2 275

troyrm85 tells us more.

troyrm85 0

the persons property that is was left on reported it. They found my insurance paperwork in the vehicle and got ahold of me.

Top comments

Just look at it like a fresh canvas for you to start over again.


redbeater 5

I bet it was either a black person or Mexican involved.

#82 Why do you naturally assume that a minority was invovled in a car jacking? That is just ignorant.

dont be jealous the thieves had hulk arms to rip that stuff out.

just pray to god the criminals are caught, sentenced maximum years in jail where they will get a face full of c*ck sandwich. apart from that you can't do much except pray you have good car insurance, then move to a better country

you should move away from that crappy area before ur stolen car isn't ur only problem it starts with a car and then when when you are eating dinner a car pulls up and fires a mini-Uzi into your home killing you and your family so do yourself a favor and move before shit goes down oh and next time lock tour car doors retard.

this happened to a friend of mine except his car was a done up holden torana and hed spent heaps fixing it up

Where the hell were you when all this happened?

probably asleep in bed. Most cars get stolen late at night.

I have a friend who got woken at 3am in the morning by cops at his front door telling him his car had been stolen then set on fire. It was completely ruined.

They didn't find your car, they found evidence of your car.

Redneck325Ci 0

YDI for living in a predominantly black neighborhood or around those types of people. I'll bet my left ******** that your car wasn't jacked nor stolen by any white people.