By WhenRumoursAreBetterThanReality - 26/06/2014 11:35 - Australia - Belconnen

Today, I got a call from a friend asking why I didn't tell him I was engaged. I'm not, but I wish I was. Rumours about my life seem to be better than the reality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 127
You deserved it 4 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

foreverhappy98 10

At least they are good rumors!!!

Rumors about you just mean there are people out there who are jealous of you, so your life can't be as bad as they have it op :)


foreverhappy98 10

At least they are good rumors!!!

Yes, and that would be what OP is upset about...

Friend 1: "Did you hear that Liza got engaged? " Friend 2: "What, no way! How did that **** juggling thundercunt find someone before me?" Friend 1: "Makes you believe in miracles huh? " Friend 2 calls OP "OMG hiiii sweetie, why didn't you tell me you got engaged? I am so happy for you! "

foreverhappy98 10

Today I learned/learnt two new English expressions. **** juggling and thunder ****. Today was a good day.

Quit bitching about good rumors, take a page from Nike and Just do it. If your life isn't that awesome, you have the power to make it better. You just gotta put the work into it.

Rumors about you just mean there are people out there who are jealous of you, so your life can't be as bad as they have it op :)

Really? I thought most rumors stemmed from the absolute boredom of people who have nothing else to do but gossip.

I was sure that it meant that too we're doing things wrong apparently Welshite

At least the rumors aren't mean. Hopefully one day the rumors will turn into reality:)

well the "rumours" could have been started when OP's boyfriend had mentioned to a friend that he was going to propose, maybe the friend let it slip.

RusticChick 27

On the bright side, the rumors could be much worse! There's silver lining in every situation.

michaeljc7 3

But why can't the whole god damn thing be silver?

Because people will start wishing for gold lining then.

I'm sure you will be engaged soon. I can bet money you're a pretty girl just be confident in your self and smile :)

You must be A) a soothsayer, B) a pathological liar, C) an annoying optimist, or D) trying to get in OP's pants. Whichever the correct answer is, I hate you.

Ha, that's funny, I try to make something negative slightly more positive, and I'm an annoying optimist just because life doesn't **** me off like it does you don't mean I can't be happy or try to make others happy, you're clearly not happy, and there's a reason for that, I'm not going to guess what it is that's making you unhappy but I hope you have someone to change that Am I annoying enough for you?

That run-on sentence was way more annoying than your optimism

Wow, way to be a patronising jerk. Somebody is pretty, so if they just smile and act confident they'll find a man? Personality, intelligence, humour, have nothing to do with it I suppose? You, I'm afraid, are a misogynist, and the worst kind at that - one of those who think that they're actually just being 'nice'.

how this comment was voted down idk. negativity prevails!

People seriously need to lighten up to DocBastard's humour. I don't get what's so hard to understand. Side note: I love that GentlemanBastard is the person siding with DocBastard. Good to see bastards uniting! Lol

Kay - I've always been misunderstood. It's a curse or something. Subhaan - You're new here, so I'll be gentle - it's a ******* joke. I don't hate optimists. In fact, I don't hate anyone. Except Chris Brown. **** that guy.

Well maybe make it reality. Not necessarily get engaged but you should try something more adventurous. Boring and normal is.. Well boring and normal.

She never said her life's 'normal and boring'

Hmm well ... technically I never said he said that she said that :p

It was not implied it was a general statement.

RusticChick 27

On the bright side, the rumors could be much worse! There's a silver lining in every situation, OP. Don't worry, be happy!

1dvs_bstd 41

Turn those rumors into a reality. You don't get engaged with this attitude.