By DarrenP - 03/08/2019 22:00 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I got a burn on my foot from a Pot Noodle I didn't even want. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 234
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course you didn’t want it — you’re eating it wrong! Pro tip: try eating a noodle with your mouth, not your foot. You’ll enjoy it more that way.

I think you may have upset it, and it lashed out at you.


Of course you didn’t want it — you’re eating it wrong! Pro tip: try eating a noodle with your mouth, not your foot. You’ll enjoy it more that way.

I think you may have upset it, and it lashed out at you.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

so you threw a tantrum by spilling it on your foot