By gorey - 19/08/2010 01:26 - Canada

Today, I gave blood. He sneezed while he stuck the needle in my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 011
You deserved it 2 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh my god! Yeah, that happened to me too when I was 14, except I was just having blood tested. Hurts. A lot.


Ouch!! I just gave blood yesterday. Luckily, they didn't do that, but still kinda hurts. That sucks so much. I don't see how he could've deserved that. FYL.

Sparkiee93 3

Yeah I'm starting to become a regular donor and I can see how that could be annoying.

Oh my god, #5. I'm terrified of blood tests and did not need that mental image... urrrghh... FYL, OP... the needle was probably big... but good for you for giving blood... I don't have the guts to do it, myself.

Accidents like that are part of the reason why I have yet to put aside my fear of needles and donate blood. Sorry OP, that's so awful!

lol, you think you are unlucky. when i did my blood tests doctor missed the vein and then started to push the vein to needle, she screwed the needle in my hand until i almost black out because of pain, then another doctor came and took the blood. now i am afraid someone will think i am drug adict.

igotnerve 0

YDI for donating blood. Things like this always happen.

antoinemartinez 0

so I'm guessing that bloody gore person dosent love needles???