By Clumsy & Forgetful - 27/11/2011 06:02 - Canada

Today, I found out why I'm always let off easy when I do something wrong at work. They think I have a mental handicap. I don't. I'm just clumsy and forgetful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 167
You deserved it 6 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know about you, but that sounds like a free pass to do whatever the **** you want and get away with it.

Most special people don't actually know they're special...


Babbalooey 0

You've got the perverbial golden ticket my friend. Enjoy doing anything and everything you feel like, then threatening to sue for workplace discrimination if they try to fire you.

you should say hello my name is Jeffy and i like to eat apples.

Your fellow workers actually treat you kindly at work? Count that as a blessing. If it really bothers you confront them and point out your mental acuity. I'd say enjoy the ride man, not everyone gets special treatment.

You probably forgot you had a mental handicap. I mean you are forgetful...

You probably just have assburgers. Its a very mild form of autism and many people live normal lives with it.

... Being forgetful and clumsy doesn't have ANYTHING to do with ASPERGER'S.

awechen 1
mtcaliber 2

Hahaha I can totally relate. Oh well at least u get off easy.

Miaoudeminou 7

I don't do things wrong at work but other wise I too am clumsy and forgetful. I get treated like an idiot all the time at work for it. Just because someone is clumsy and forgetful does not mean they're stupid. That would be the same as assuming Beethoven couldn't compose music because he was deaf.