By Clumsy & Forgetful - 27/11/2011 06:02 - Canada

Today, I found out why I'm always let off easy when I do something wrong at work. They think I have a mental handicap. I don't. I'm just clumsy and forgetful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 167
You deserved it 6 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know about you, but that sounds like a free pass to do whatever the **** you want and get away with it.

Most special people don't actually know they're special...


i wish i was an illegal immigrant cripple that way i would get a job too

HunterAlpha1 8

alot of the people at my church treat me the same way, except mostly they think i'm physically handicapped. i am rather overweight, but i can still do just about anything anyone else can. i joke and laugh about my own weight, and i don't mind at all when other people do too. some people just need to grow a thick skin and not get butthurt over every little thing.

Oh!... u mean, in other words... lazy.