By adopted apparently - 23/03/2019 12:00

Today, I found out the joke I’ve been telling for 15 years is true. I am adopted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 345
You deserved it 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As an adopted child, you were no accident - You were chosen. There is no reason you should feel bad about being adopted.

colderthanyou 15

All this time you thought they were your biological parents, so you are very allowed to be shocked and surprised. I hope you did grow up in a loving, stable home and you’re able to see that and hold onto it in this weird time.


nightstalker94 18

I'm adopted too. There's nothing wrong with that.

colderthanyou 15

All this time you thought they were your biological parents, so you are very allowed to be shocked and surprised. I hope you did grow up in a loving, stable home and you’re able to see that and hold onto it in this weird time.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

When the plot twist gets personal.

As an adopted child, you were no accident - You were chosen. There is no reason you should feel bad about being adopted.

Aphrodite 20

don’t think they said they were an accident tho lol

ktd988 12

Yes to this! I was adopted also

Knock, knock Who’s there? I’m adopted I’m adopted who? Nah, this joke sucks. After getting zero laughs in 15 years, you’d think you would dump this one.

Taylor Caldwell 10

You were literally chosen and fought for. Do you have any idea the time, stress and financial sacrifices that come with adopting a child? You should feel very happy and loved by your family.