By nomoresbfun - 22/02/2010 06:31 - United States

Today, I found out that my most amazing spring break ever, will be spent stuck on a ship with my ex. It's been almost two years, and he still isn't over me. Yay. This cruise shall be fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 661
You deserved it 6 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

namhowell 6

So what? This FML sucks ass! Just because he isn't over you doesn't mean he will stop you from doing your own thing, get over yourself!

You could always take him around the cruise for some "sight seeing" and just you know...push him over the railing? You can conceal the screams by breaking into a song.


Hey guess what? Maybe she's NOT trying to mess with him, use him or hurt him. Maybe, she's accidentally ended up on a cruise with him? But that's impossible, she must be following him around to hurt him, then screw him and leave him. That's the most plausible option.

jeter__002 0

OMFG! get over your ******* self. it's annoying to listen to people bitch about how everyone is still in love with you after so many years. i doubt that he is. stfu and move on with your ******* life.

wow shut up. people have to spend their spring breaks working and not getting any time off. quit your bitching.

Nuahavizu 17

OH BOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO! Someone likes you. Quit your bitching. Or would you rather me call for the WAAAAAAAAHmbulance?

soccerchick02 3

you do realize that theres so much u can do on a cruise in order to avoid him, right?

G_thelegend 0

hahahahahaha that is so weird, one of my guyfriends is going on a cruise with his ex this spring... LOLOLOL

Wow! These are good collection of T-shirts. Fold up shoes

hateevryone 14

stay in your room & dont come out except to eat

Haha what a self centred bitch. Bet you he found another girl on the cruise and completely ignored your ass so get over yourself.