By ujellybro234 - 01/12/2015 16:52 - United States - Brown City
ujellybro234 tells us more.
Hey OP here and wow didnt think this would pass! To all those people saying I should have stood up for myself earlier in my childhood I have one question. How was I, a 5'8'', 120 pound boy, supposed to fight off the 6 foot 200 pound lineman on our football team? Think before you comment. I wouldn't stand a chance.
Top comments
Maybe you should've kicked his ass as a kid.
I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.
It sounds like the plot to the world's lamest time travel movie. "I have to go back in time and convince myself to kick my school bully's ass so he'll lose his confidence and not sleep with my present-day girlfriend."
"SyFy original movie"
And the temporal disruption causes a half shark-half tornado to ravage OP's town.
dont you mean it causes a half bully half tornado to ravage his girlfriend? o.o
I don't know why you have so many negitive likes. I think your right. you have to stand up to the bullies If you don't it just gives them the ego power trip they feed off of.
He's getting negative likes because sometimes you can't always take a stand. Sometimes bullies can be so threatening, violent, or tough violent you can't fight back. The best thing is to get help from somebody else who can deal with bullies, but even then it's hard because bullies sometimes make you afraid to even tell because they're assholes who think "snitches get stitches" is some sort of motto to live by.
that just means all the people who liked negative don't stand up for themselves.
#51 Nah I will always stand for own opinion and what is right but if a 6"11 angry and muscled man is charging at me, a young 5" female teenager, I'm not going to last a few minutes in that fight
People who resort to violence to solve their problems are a big problem in this world
Lol no you just have to have the guts to hit them, trust me if you hit them it will shock them that you fought back. And as a result they will stop bullying you, or you could give them a taste of their own medicine.
@80 you've been watching to many movies chances are if you hit a bully back they wont go into shock, they'll beat the crap out of you because they are mad someone hit them @1 so much wrong with your comment such as: violence isn't always the answer, as a kid i am sure op wasn't thinking man if i kick his ass now he wont sleep with my future gf, and your advice is pointless caption hindsight. @OP regardless if she's having an affair with your childhood bully or a complete stranger it sounds like you can do better then her.
agreed mr pants im lucky enough to where i was too scary and tall to be bullied by the punks in school and i always tried to look out for the little guys when i noticed it or someone asked for help. my best friend growin up was bullied a lot and i used to be one of the jerks that did it but i realized my error and decided enough was enough so instead i befriended him and now were pretty good friends though i havent talked to him in a while. still he didnt have as many hardships he had before i became his friend so it was all good. and i got a cool friend who is a lot like me. lol
He's the bad boy you never were
Yep, he probably hasn't been a douche and slept with somebody else's partner. In a way, #2's comment is rather kind.
The bully still wins, but this time, kick her to the curb and kick him in the nuts. Completely the right thing to do.
Wins what? A cheating, disloyal, slutty (ex) girlfriend? Yes. A total win. In my eyes OP, he did you a favor. He took away someone from you who wasn't even worth your time. And now you can move on and find a better partner.
Kick him in the nuts? I'd remove them so he can bleed out while I put them so far down her throat she chokes to death. Cheaters deserve no less.
Then she won't have him and the guy she's with won't be able to do anything with her. I like the way you think
Tough love. Sorry OP
how the hell is that tough love
Tough luck, maybe?
I hope you're one of those people that took being bullied as motivation to bulk up and can beat the crap out of him now. But not before you dump your girlfriend, of course!
Beating the crap out of someone isn't really going to solve anything. If anything he'll end up being charged for beating someone up :/
lol every time I've beaten up a bully it has solved everything
From what I'm guessing OP has never faught back. If op fights now, chances are the childhood bully would **** right off.
14- most of the time violence isn't the answer. But I was bullied in school then I finally stood up to the guy and kicked his ass because teachers wouldn't do shit. From that point on he was too afraid to mess with me. Sometimes you have to fight back.
You have to prove to your girlfriend that you are the alpha male. Confront the bully with your girlfriend nearby, and demand his lunch money. That'll teach him to back off.
Yea and when she comes crawling back he should tell the trashy **** to **** off
just get a good grip on the balls and squeeze lightly while asking for lunch money. let the tension build up a little and squeeze as hard as you can and take the lunch money yourself
Sorry OP. Break up with her, that's a really horrible thing of her to do, especially if she already knew he bullied you as a kid.
I think it's just cheating until you're married. Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Cheating, to me, can be on any level within a relationship Whether they are boyfriend and girlfriend, fiancés, or married Why? Because you agreed to be with that person only, unless you both explicitly stated and agreed upon something that states otherwise But everyone has different opinions
I think they were referring to OP calling the bully and his girlfriends relationship an affair. I could be wrong but that was how I read it.
Isn't cheating and an affair the same thing?
Their loss. Now you can find someone who deserves you. :)

The bully still wins, but this time, kick her to the curb and kick him in the nuts. Completely the right thing to do.
Their loss. Now you can find someone who deserves you. :)